Spreading awareness about the United States Black Maternal Health Crisis.

Dedicated to Black mothers, past, present, and future.

Honoring Black Mothers was started in 2021 with one goal: social awareness. Roughly 700 women continue to die each year from pregnancy or delivery complications in the United States, making it one of only 13 countries where maternal mortality rates have worsened over the last 25 years.

What is the Black maternal health crisis?

Roughly 700 women continue to die each year from pregnancy or delivery complications in the United States, making it one of only 13 countries where maternal mortality rates have worsened over the last 125 years.

What created the Black Maternal Health Crisis?

Legacies of slavery have significantly contributed to the present-day Black Maternal Health Crisis. Research has shown that social and economic factors, racism, and chronic stress contribute to poor maternal health and birth outcomes in Black women.

What is being done to combat this issue?

In 2020 the CDC launched the Hear Her campaign to help prevent pregnancy-related deaths by sharing potentially life saving messages about urgent warning signs.

“The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected woman in America is the Black woman. The Black Maternal Health Crisis ends with us. Be a part of the change.”

— Taneha Fincher, Honoring Black Mothers Founder


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